Friday, November 18, 2016

I,Q Independence Hall Review

Independence Hall is a mystery book that takes place all over the United States but mostly Philadelphia. It is about these two kids ( Q and Angela) are going to become step brother and sister. There parents met in a band and ever since they have been going to tours. Q and Angela skip school for a year and do there work by a blog. They have to write about There trip. Along the way they meet one of there parents old friends, he was a bodyguard for the band but what people didn't know was that he was a spy. He work for the CIA but there was a mystery that hadn't been solve for years, is Angela's mom still alive?
Angela's mom was a spy also but she had many secret that nobody knew. She had a twin sister that was a bomber, she faked her death and this book is really about to find out if Angela's mom is still alive.

I am grateful The for.....

I am grateful for many things, but there are certain things that I can't stop saying thank you for. One thing I am grateful for is my family. I don't want imagine how my is without them, they put a roof over my head and we care about each other. Next is the food, food is what keeps us alive everyday and we just have to give thanks because people all over the world may not have food so we have thank you everyday because what if it could be us. That is what Thanksgivings all about, bringing everybody for 1 day, watch football, and play games is for, we need that time off to enjoy all the things we have.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Election Gone Wrong

The election was going great for the democratics till a upset win by Donald Trump. I think that it has people's hopes up that Hillary Clinton was going to win but it didn't end up that way. Many people were shock because we all believed that she was going to be the first women to be president. In general for the election I thought that is was one of the wrost presidential debate ever. They had very good ideas but I think that it will be difficult for us to get use to.
The election results was ok but Donald Trump winning is not. It's good for us the Trump is friends with other countries so we have no people targeting us. Besides that from my opinion I think country is doom because he is bringing back racism and if he brings back next thing you'll know we'll be having a civil war. This hole president thing is out of control and having people who wantes to be president and have bad ideas you know this country is not going to last anytime sooner.

The Best Day I Ever Had

                      The best day I ever had was when I was moving to my new house. I use to live in a very bad neighborhood and the schools were disrespectful to the students. It was a CPS school and we would always miss school because of the strike. When I heard we were moving I was happy that I will be in a safe environment. That they when we were moving I was very excited because I would've had my own room for the first time.
All of our family was helping us move our furniture, we had a fun time playing around in the new house. It was a huge house so I was excited that we all had our space. After we moved all of our items to the house we ordered a pizza and we were playing board games.